4/6 Update:
Student Technology Support
Student Technology Support
- If a student needs help during this time or needs a laptop for distance learning, we ask that they email [email protected]. This is for 1:1 High School students and any K-8 students that received a loaner via one of the deployments or need one. Students should email their name, student id, campus, telephone number and a detailed description of the problem/request.
- Technology Staff will strive to support the students over the phone or by remote control.
- If a student needs to be physically present to take care of their issue, whether that is for repair, replacement or issuing a loaner, AN APPOINTMENT MUST BE MADE WITH TECHNOLOGY. Please email [email protected]. Appointments will only be made between the hours of 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday through Friday. The student will be assigned a time to come to RON POE STADIUM TICKET BOOTH to meet with a technician.
Please attend your appointment alone if at all possible. Friends and parents will be asked to wait in the car or away from the ticket booth while the student is at his appointment. - For Parent HAC accounts, if you do not know your username and/or password, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include the student's home campus.